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The VimScript language is rather idiosyncratic, and because few people – if anyone – uses it to make a living, not many people learn it in-depth.

This document gives tips for writing VimScript code.


  • Use is instead of ==. Like PHP and JavaScript == will coerce types ('0' == 0). The is operator doesn’t, like ===. You do need to be careful when comparing entire lists or dicts, since is will test identity rather than value.

    For string comparison use is# or is?, as the behaviour of is and == are affected by the ignorecase setting. In general, it’s a good practice to just always use is# instead of ==; it will work fine for other types as well.

  • abort functions. Without it Vim will keep executing code after an error, which rarely what you want. Use the abort keyword to abort function execution on error (e.g. fun! MyFun() abort). You can still use try .. catch to recover from errors.

  • Use try .. finally A common pattern is something like:

    let l:old_setting = &setting
    " [.. do work ..]
    let &setting = l:old_setting

    But the resetting of &setting will fail if the code returns in the “do work” path, either because of a return or because of an error.

    The finally block will always get executed:

      let l:old_setting = &setting
      " [.. do work ..]
      let &setting = l:old_setting

    Other common use cases are restoring the view with winsaveview() / winrestview() and changing the directory with :cd.

  • Be careful when modifying lists and dicts. Many operations change the value of a list or dict in place but also return the new value. This leads to code like:

    let g:plugin_default = ['a', '_a', 'b', '_b']
    fun! s:do_stuff() abort
        let l:filtered = filter(g:plugin_default, {_, v -> v[0] isnot# '_'})
        " [..]

    l:filtered will be ['a', 'b'], but so will g:plugin_default, which is probably not what you wanted! Use copy() or deepcopy() instead:

    let l:filtered = filter(copy(g:plugin_default), {_, v -> v[0] isnot# '_'})

    This is also an issue when passing lists or dicts as arguments; since they’re passed by reference rather than value, modifications are not local to just the function:

    fun! Test(list_arg)
        let l:mapped = map(a:list_arg, {_, v -> 'XXX-' . l:v})
    :let l = ['hello']
    :call Test(l)
    :echo l
  • Prefer printf() over string concatenation; e.g. echo printf('x: %s', [42]) will work, whereas echo 'x: ' . [42] will give you a useless error.

  • Use execute() rather than redir. It’s a lot less clumsy. Many older Stack Overflow answers and the like recommend :redir, but execute() is available since Vim 7.4.2008 (July 2016).

  • Use lambda expressions rather than string functions when supported (e.g. map() and filter()). This allows syntax highlighting and avoids ugly string escaping. This is available since Vim 7.4.2044 (July 2016).


  • Scope to filetype. Quite a few plugins that work on only a single filetype exist globally. There is no reason to have a :PythonFrob when editing Ruby files.

    Moving plugin/myplugin.vim to ftplugin/python.vim and adding buffer to :command and :map is often all that’s needed; this will only load the file when that filetype is set and scope the commands and mappings to the buffer. See :help ftplugin for details.

    Alternatively, you can use a FileType autocmd if your plugin works for many different filetypes.

  • Use autoload. VimScript in the plugin and ftplugin directory will always be loaded on startup. Code in the autoload directory will be loaded on first use.

    This also allows some rudimentary modularisation instead of putting everything in the global namespace (e.g. plugin#foo#fun() instead of PluginFooFun()). See :help autoload.

    Using plugin might be okay if your plugin is very small though.

  • Make functions script-local when possible; not everything needs to be exported. Consider using s:name() when it’s only used in the current script context and isn’t useful for your plugin users.

    Note: you can use <SID> in mappings, e.g. nnoremap x <SID>fun()<CR>.

  • There are a few different approaches to plugin settings, the “best way” depends on the plugin and personal preference:

    1. Define the default on use:

      call do_something(get(g:, 'plugin_setting', 'default value'))

      Advantage: it’s the simplest approach.

      Downside: you’ll have to define the default multiple times if used more than once. Many plugins don’t, so it can still be a good option for small plugins.

      Another downside is that users can’t inspect current value. Want to know what g:plugin_setting is? You’ll have to read the docs and hope they’re correct.

    2. Define the defaults on startup:

      let g:plugin_setting = get(g:, 'plugin_setting', 'default value')

      Advantage: one location for the default values, allows users to inspect values.

      Downsides: may add a lot of global variables.

    In general, I would recommend the first approach for small plugins and the second one for larger ones.

    Other considerations:

    • Always prefix variable names with the name of your plugin.
    • Make sure to document all settings and add appropriate help tags. This means people can easily discover documentation with :help g:plugin_<Tab>.
  • Plugin mappings: the right strategy depends on the plugin and size. The two most important things are to not override people’s existing mappings and allowing people to override your default mappings.

    To ensure you’re not overriding existing mappings you can use mapcheck() or hasmapto(). mapcheck() will check if key is mapped to anything, so you won’t override existing mappings:

    :echo mapcheck('<F1>', 'n')
    :set wrap!<CR>
    :echo mapcheck('<F2>', 'n')
    (empty string)
    if mapcheck('<F1>', 'n') is# ''
      nnoremap <F1> :call myplugin#action()<CR>

    And hasmapto() checks if the given commands appears in the right-hand-side of a mapping, allowing you to map an action only if the user didn’t map it to something else:

    :echo hasmapto(':set wrap!<CR>', 'n')
    :echo hasmapto(':set cursorline!<CR>', 'n')
    if !hasmapto('myplugin#action', 'n')
      nnoremap <Leader>d :call myplugin#action()<CR>

    In general use hasmapto() if mappings are essential to your plugin and mapcheck() if they’re just bonus features.

    Make sure your plugin has a way to disable mappings altogether with a setting (g:plugin_nomap) unless they’re an essential part of your plugin.

    You can make it easy for people to map actions by abstracting them with <Plug> mappings; first create a mapping to <Plug>(name):

    nnoremap <Plug>(myplugin-action) :call myplugin#action('arg', 2)<CR>

    And users can map that without worrying about the internal details of the mapping:

    nmap <Leader>d <Plug>(myplugin-action)

    See :help using-<Plug>.

    Adding g:plugin_map variable to control which action gets mapped to which key can be helpful for some plugins, for example when several mappings all start with the same prefix; changing g:plugin_map_prefix = ';' is easier than remapping 7 actions.